What does Spiritual enlightenment really mean?

You must have heard about Enlightenment or the quotes of an enlightened person in books or from someone’s mouth! These words were spoken by someone who was born thousands of years ago. Even after thousands of years, many people have come and gone, but their teachings and words have always been and still are influential, followed to make life meaningful. Clearly, these words were spoken by those who have attained the meaning and completeness of life; they are called enlightened. Why is an enlightened person so exceptional? And what is the true meaning of enlightenment? Let’s dive into the flowing river of thoughts and try to understand it.

Why The Self-Enlightened One is the exceptional

When we talk about an ordinary person's life, what comes to our mind first? That they might work in a certain field, hold a degree, be a doctor, engineer, lawyer, or teacher, they might be married or unmarried. They have some likes and dislikes, and there are things they enjoy and things they despise. Some people are considered friends, while a few others are regarded as enemies.

An ordinary person understands life the way most people do, getting so immersed in their physical existence that they make life a slave to materialism. In other words, life becomes a slave to the body, and they start facing problems due to materialistic desires. For example, if they are unable to get married, they are distressed; if they can't get a job, they worry; if they have to deal with a hospital visit, they experience anxiety and sorrow. This is not excellence; this is the reality of most people in the world.

However, only a few individuals remain unaffected by these worldly troubles, and the reason they are not affected is that they are Enlightened.

What is enlightenment? Why is an enlightened person considered the best? To deeply understand this, we must look at the mind of an enlightened person. Although enlightenment requires profound spiritual experiences that go beyond words, we can give direction to this inner quest (which leads to spirituality) through words, which will eventually lead to spiritual awareness and enlightenment.

Spiritual Enlightenment: The Real Meaning

Enlightenment is not just limited to intellectual sharpness, wisdom, or cleverness; it also involves a significant spiritual experience. The understanding of life’s meaning and the ultimate purpose of existence arises from this spiritual experience.

spiritually aware life reveals the core essence of life, such as what the true nature of life is, how one should experience life wisely, and what one should and should not do in life.

If we talk about an ordinary human being today, they lack this deep understanding. They may prioritize sensual pleasures, which are transient and often lead to more pain. They long for pleasure and ignore pain, and this is natural. As long as pleasure is experienced, pain is forgotten.

But this is the state of an ordinary person. An enlightened person, however, is unaffected by these concerns because they have realized the correct way to experience pleasure or avoid suffering. In fact, there is no specific method or process; simply realizing the truth is the cure.

While the life of an ordinary person is a slave to the body, the body of an enlightened person becomes a slave to their life. There is a vast difference between these two, and only through a deep spiritual understanding can we truly grasp the essence of enlightenment.

Enlightenment is the End of the Quest for Perfection

You may hear that Enlightenment means "to acquire the highest knowledge," "to see the divine within oneself," or "a person who attains self-realization is called enlightened." These answers are valid. But we should not limit the definition of enlightenment to these alone, for it is the key to a meaningful life. Enlightenment is the fulfillment of our inner search for completeness.

If we consider an ordinary person, they wander in search of completeness. Naturally, they seek completeness through sensual pleasures of the body or through materialism, but completeness is not found in the body; it is found in consciousness. Without consciousness, the body has no existence; it is death. In the matter of life, the irony is that consciousness, merged with the body, starts identifying itself with the body. Consciousness, in itself, is complete, while the body is incomplete. Therefore, the search for completeness ends when consciousness is recognized as separate from the body.

If we look deeply, understanding what is incomplete and what is complete is enlightenment. This is not a matter of the external world; first and foremost, it is about understanding oneself. An enlightened person analyzes the elements within and discovers the essence of all existence.

Everyone experiences incompleteness, but only a few search for completeness and live their life in search of it. The reason for this search lies within us, for consciousness is inherently complete. As long as it is bound to the body, it perceives the body's completeness as its own, seeking social recognition or material pleasures, such as the desired partner, wealth, or luxuries.

This can be put another way: "I" (the body) is incomplete, and "I" Aatman (the pure Self) is complete. The Self and body are both alive, but when the Self becomes enslaved to the body, i.e., identifies itself as the body, this is ignorance.

In ignorance, one initially believes that achieving all bodily pleasures is the path to completeness. However, even when these pleasures are obtained, the search is not fulfilled. There remains an inner longing that persists until life ends.

Let’s understand this through an example:

A person whose body is covered in dirt desires to clean it. The most effective way to clean it would be to bathe in water, washing off the dirt. However, the problem is that they love the dirt and do not want to separate it from themselves. In this case, bathing will not cleanse them, because the dirt itself is the problem, and the person does not want to let go of it. This creates a dilemma.

Similarly, an ordinary person’s life is a quest for completeness through consciousness. However, because the body and ego are incomplete, their methods for achieving completeness are misguided. They chase after bodily pleasures and material desires.

On the other hand, an enlightened person understands this and does not live with the dilemma of trying to make the incomplete complete. They discard this dilemma and choose the right path, achieving enlightenment.

In other words, an enlightened person is one who has attained completeness, and enlightenment is the end of the search for perfection and the fulfillment of the quest.

Some Characteristics of the Enlightened

An enlightened person attains inner peace, and they are unaffected by worldly joys or sorrows. The enlightened person has reached the completeness of the self, and through this, they experience inner peace and bliss. Therefore, in times of joy or sorrow, their inner peace remains unshaken.

They understand life and make right decisions. Understanding the meaning of life is enlightenment itself, which enables them to make wise decisions. They approach life with dedication and honesty, especially towards their duties and responsibilities.

They gain the inner spiritual strength to confront life's sorrows. An ordinary person lacks the strength to face life’s hardships. They are the creators and experiencers of their own sorrow. However, an enlightened person neither creates nor experiences sorrow.

They live a blissful life. An enlightened person transcends all mental defects that create mental suffering, and thus, they lead a spiritually blissful life.

They acquire spiritual knowledge. An enlightened person has a deep understanding of spirituality, comprehending their emotions, thoughts, and mindset at the core. They realize the essence of their own being and the universal existence of the supreme self.


What is the true meaning of enlightenment?

Enlightenment is the fulfillment of the search for the meaning and completeness of life, which is attained through spiritual experience.

Why is an enlightened person exceptional?

An enlightened person understands the reality and completeness of life, which brings them mental peace and bliss.

Is enlightenment merely intellectual understanding?

No, Enlightenment is part of spiritual experience, revealing the meaning and purpose of life.

What is the life of an ordinary person like?

An ordinary person perceives life as bound by the cycle of material pleasures and pains. Their life is like being enslaved by the body.

What is the difference between an enlightened person and an ordinary person?

An enlightened person transcends pleasure and pain, attaining inner peace and understanding the purpose of life, while an ordinary person chases sensual pleasures and material, living a life enslaved by the body.

What difference does obtaining spiritual knowledge make?

Spiritual knowledge allows a person to attain complete understanding and inner peace, enabling them to make correct life decisions.

What do enlightenment and self-realization mean?

Enlightenment and self-realization are transformative experiences where individuals uncover their true essence, move beyond external distractions, and transcend ego-driven identities.

What is the essence of enlightenment?

The essence of enlightenment is to attain self-realization and unity with the Supreme.

What kind of life does an enlightened person lead?

An enlightened person leads a blissful life, as they transcend mental flaws and live in spiritual and true bliss.

What is the relationship between enlightenment and completeness?

The relationship between enlightenment and completeness is that an enlightened person understands their inner wholeness and attains peace and joy in life.

What changes occur after becoming enlightened?

After enlightenment, a person attains inner peace, makes correct life decisions, and gains spiritual knowledge.

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